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2023-12-07 17:10:41 -05:00
namespace Crispage;
class Config {
// This should never need to be changed, except by the updater
General settings
// Your public-facing domain
public const SITE_DOMAIN = "{%SITE_DOMAIN}";
// Usernames of users who should have all privileges regardless of role
public const SUPERUSERS = ["{%ADMIN_ACCOUNT}"];
Security settings
// Enable API (req. for some functions) prod: true
public const API_ENABLED = true;
// password_hash() algorithm prod: PASSWORD_BCRYPT
// password_hash() options prod: ["cost" => {>=12}]
public const PASSWD_OPTS = ["cost" => 12];
// random token length in bytes prod: {>16}
public const TOKEN_BYTES = 16;
// Enable public user registration
// Media folders to which users can upload and delete files
public const MEDIA_WRITABLE_PATHS = [
// Mimetypes to disallow
Database settings
public const DB_TYPE = "\Crispage\Database\MySQLDatabase";
// Database location or host
public const DB_LOC = "{%DB_LOC}";
// Database port
public const DB_PORT = {%DB_PORT};
// Database name
public const DB_NAME = "{%DB_NAME}";
// Database credentials
public const DB_USER = "{%DB_USER}";
public const DB_PASSWD = "{%DB_PASSWD}";
// Database table prefix
public const DB_PREFIX = "{%DB_PREFIX}";
// Database PDO options
public const DB_OPTS = null;
Development settings, modify at your own risk
// Force error messages, even on 404 prod: false
public const DEV_FORCE_ERRMSGS = false;
// Disable output buffering prod: false
public const DEV_DISABLE_OB = false;
// Run modules in unsafe maode (debug) prod: false
public const DEV_MODULES_UNSAFE = false;
// PHP error level prod: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
public const ERRLVL = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT;
// PHPMailer SMTP debug level <0-4> prod: 0
public const SMTP_DEBUG = 0;
// Show database errors (should never be enabled on production servers)
public const SHOW_DB_ERRORS = false;
// Paths are relative to ROOT
public const CLASS_PATHS = [
// Component paths
"\\Crispage\\Response\\Component" => [
// Action paths
"\\Crispage\\Response\\Action" => [
// Plugin paths
"\\Crispage\\PluginRunnable" => [
// Template path
public const TEMPLATE_PATH = [
// Translation path
public const TRANSLATION_PATH = [
// Media path
public const MEDIA_PATH = "/media";
// URL to media server; set to null to use MEDIA_PATH
public const MEDIA_CUSTOM_PREFIX= null;
// Packages path
public const PACKAGE_PATH = "/packages";
// Temporary files path
public const TEMP_PATH = "/temp";