Crispage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ namespace Crispage\Assets; defined("ROOT") or die(); require_once ROOT . "/core/app/assets/Asset.php"; use \Crispage\Auth\CorePermissions; class User extends \Crispage\Asset { public const UNCONFIRMED = 0; public const CONFIRMED = 1; public const ACTIVATED = 2; public static function getNames(): array { return ["{%USER}", "{%USERS}"]; } public static function getPermissions(): array { return [ "create" => CorePermissions::NONE, "modify" => CorePermissions::MODIFY_OTHERS, "modify_own"=> CorePermissions::MODIFY_SELF, "delete" => CorePermissions::NEVER, "delete_own"=> CorePermissions::NEVER ]; } public static function getSortingInfo(): array { return [ "field" => "mtime", "desc" => true ]; } public static function getListColumns(): array { global $Crispage; return [ "id" => ["label" => "{%ID}"], "slug" => [ "label" => "{%USERNAME}", "filter" => "\\Crispage\\Utils\\TextUtils::codeify" ], "displayname" => [ "label" => "{%DISPLAY_NAME}", "filter" => "htmlentities" ], "last_login" => [ "label" => "{%LAST_LOGIN}", "filter" => [$Crispage->i18n, "datetime"] ], "state" => [ "label" => "{%STATE}", "filter" => function(int $s): string { global $Crispage; switch ($s) { case self::CONFIRMED: $str = "CONFIRMED"; break; case self::ACTIVATED: $str = "ACTIVATED"; break; default: $str = "UNCONFIRMED"; } return $Crispage->i18n->translate("{%$str}"); } ], "mtime" => [ "label" => "{%MODIFIED}", "filter" => [$Crispage->i18n, "datetime"] ] ]; } public static function getEditorFields(): array { return [ "displayname" => [ "column" => 0, "component" => "\\Crispage\\Components\\Fields\\TextFieldComponent", "com_data" => [ "label" => "{%DISPLAY_NAME}:", "attrs" => ["required"] ], "filter" => "strval" ], "email" => [ "column" => 0, "component" => "\\Crispage\\Components\\Fields\\TextFieldComponent", "com_data" => [ "label" => "{%EMAIL}:", "attrs" => ["required"] ], "filter" => "strval" ], "role_ids" => [ "column" => 1, "component" => "\\Crispage\\Components\\Fields\\RoleSelectFieldComponent", "com_data" => [ "label" => "{%ROLES}:" ], "filter" => function($data): string { if (!is_array($data)) return "[]"; $data = array_filter($data, "ctype_digit"); return json_encode(array_values($data)); } ], "state" => [ "column" => 1, "component" => "\\Crispage\\Components\\Fields\\SelectFieldComponent", "com_data" => [ "label" => "{%STATE}:", "options" => [ 0 => "{%DEACTIVATED}", 2 => "{%ACTIVATED}" ] ], "filter" => "intval" ] ]; } public string $displayname; public string $email; public int $last_login; public string $role_ids; private array $_role_ids_array; public int $state; public function __construct(array $props) { parent::__construct($props); $this->displayname = $props["displayname"] ?? $props["slug"] ?? ""; $this->email = $props["email"] ?? ""; $this->last_login = $props["last_login"] ?? 0; $this->role_ids = $props["role_ids"] ?? "[]"; $this->_role_ids_array = json_decode($this->role_ids, true) ?? []; $this->state = $props["state"] ?? 0; } public function getRoles(): array { return $this->_role_ids_array; } public function hasRole(int $id): bool { return in_array($id, $this->_role_ids_array); } public function setRoles(int ...$ids): array { $this->_role_ids_array = $ids; $this->role_ids = json_encode($this->_role_ids_array); return $this->_role_ids_array; } public function addRoles(int ...$ids): array { $this->_role_ids_array = array_unique(array_merge( $this->_role_ids_array, $ids )); $this->role_ids = json_encode($this->_role_ids_array); return $this->_role_ids_array; } public function removeRoles(int ...$ids): array { $this->_role_ids_array = array_filter( $this->_role_ids_array, fn(int $id): bool => !in_array($id, $ids) ); $this->role_ids = json_encode($this->_role_ids_array); return $this->_role_ids_array; } public function getName(): string { return $this->displayname; } public function getOwnerId(): int { return $this->id; } } ?>