; _version = "0.25" ;=============================== ; General configuration ;=============================== ; Your public facing domain crispage.site_domain = "localhost" ; Superusers (these users always have all permissions) crispage.superusers[] = "devsuite" ;=============================== ; Security settings ;=============================== ; Enable the API (required for some editor functions) crispage.security.api_enabled = true ; Password hashing algorithm (PASSWORD_BCRYPT recommended) crispage.security.password_algo = PASSWORD_BCRYPT ; Password and session token hashing costs (recommended: >=12, >=10) crispage.security.password_opts[cost] = 13 crispage.security.token_opts[cost] = 10 ; Number of bytes for tokens (recommended: 16) crispage.security.token_bytes = 16 ; Enable public registration crispage.security.enable_registration = true ; Writable media paths (relative to the media directory) crispage.security.media_paths[] = "/uploads" crispage.security.media_paths[] = "/assets" ; Disallowed mime types crispage.security.media_banned_mimes = "text/x-php" ;=============================== ; Database settings ;=============================== ; Database type (currently only MySQL is officially supported) crispage.database.type = "\Crispage\Database\SQLiteDatabase" ; Database location/host (usually localhost) crispage.database.location = "./cds.sqlite" ; Database port (usually 3306) crispage.database.port = 3306 ; Database name crispage.database.name = "" ; Database credentials crispage.database.user = "" crispage.database.password = "" ; Database table prefix (should not be changed) crispage.database.prefix = "cds_" ; Extra PDO options ;crispage.database.options[] = ;=============================== ; Development settings ;=============================== crispage.dev.force_errmsgs = true crispage.dev.disable_buffering = true crispage.dev.modules_unsafe = true crispage.dev.disable_caching = true ; Shown error level (recommended: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT) crispage.dev.error_level = E_ALL crispage.dev.smtp_debug = 0 crispage.dev.disable_exception_handling = false crispage.dev.disable_redirect = false crispage.dev.db_errors = true ;=============================== ; Paths ;=============================== ; Paths are relative to the ROOT crispage.paths.asset[] = "/user/assets" crispage.paths.asset[] = "/core/app/assets/class" crispage.paths.action[] = "/cds/actions" crispage.paths.action[] = "/user/actions" crispage.paths.action[] = "/core/actions" crispage.paths.component[] = "/cds/components" crispage.paths.component[] = "/user/components" crispage.paths.component[] = "/core/components" crispage.paths.plugin[] = "/cds/plugins" crispage.paths.plugin[] = "/user/plugins" crispage.paths.plugin[] = "/core/plugins" crispage.paths.template[] = "/user/templates" crispage.paths.template[] = "/core/templates" crispage.paths.translation[]= "/cds/translations" crispage.paths.translation[]= "/user/translations" crispage.paths.translation[]= "/core/translations" crispage.paths.packages = "/packages" crispage.paths.media = "/media" crispage.paths.temp = "/temp" ; If not null, the public facing media url crispage.paths.media_url = null cds.package_path = "/temp/pkgbuild" cds.default_info[id] = "cds.unknown" cds.default_info[version] = VERSION